Weekend brunch and other randomness
After the haircut debacle, the weekend ended up being quite lovely. We ended up having Sunday brunch with Alice, Harry and Mikey at Coast Restaurant, just off the Mid Levels Escalator: .
Don't let the forlorn look fool you. The little piglet got a plateful of delicious mushroom risotto just after this was taken.
The kitchen at Coast. I want heat lamps like this in our kitchen one day. Seriously cool.
Eating and socialising is clearly rather exhausting.
A bit of randomness to finish the weekend. Firstly, Ben may act stupid, but he's extremely effective at locating and neutralising heat sources:
And here's a very good reason why I don't take more photos outside. The World Health Organisation guidelines state that 50 micrograms of particulate material per cubic metre in 24 hours is the safest maximum level that a person should be exposed to. Today, Hong Kong is averaging just under 500 micrograms of particulate material per cubic metre. Yuk. This the Sunday morning view from our lounge window:
Weekend randomness
Nothing much to report other than the weather being horrible and Bunky having a bit of a cold. Here's a compilation of random photos from the last few days (I'm still working out how to edit photos properly with Aperture, so forgive me if the colours look a bit wonky). .
Clockwise from left: The gorgeous flowers from Aunty Kristine and Uncle Josh, George inspecting the contents of his toy box, George about to give the sleeping cats a rude awakening...
Rachel and George on our walk down the hill this morning
L: George watching a bit of TV from the comfort of Rachel's lap / R: Ben hanging out on top of the kitchen cupboards
Hong Kong parks: It's all about having fun
What? The City of Las Vegetables?
A random assortment of Bunky shots. And a cat.
Just a few photos from the last few days - the weather has been a bit rotten, so we haven't really ventured outside at all. I did end up buying myself a cheap softbox and lightstand yesterday, so I might start being a little bit more adventurous with lighting (I might have to get poor little George some sunglasses). .
Domestic terrorism
Poppy is cold | Every photo needs a cat
It got a bit cold today - there's a cold snap that will apparently last until early next week. Just how cold was it? You should have asked Poppycat this morning: .
And on a completely different subject (one that annoys Rachel), I discovered an application for my phone that does something absolutely unique and awesome to photos. It adds cats.
Seriously, I can't count the number of times I've looked at a photo and thought to myself "That photo really needs a cat". Now, thanks to the folks at CatPaint, I can add cats to any photo on my phone. Seriously, it's the best cat-based photo editing program I've ever seen. Some examples of my work this evening:
I know what you're thinking: "Awesome."
Random photos from Chez Bunky this morning
A few photos from the morning routine of the Bunkmeister. Firstly, his mummy decided that his eating was getting a little bit... how do we say... "animated", and his clothes were coming off pretty badly after mealtimes (especially mealtimes involving sauces). An afternoon trip to Ikea yielded a number of new mass-produced and flatpacked Swedish goods, one of which was some sort of overcoat which was bound to make Bunky look like either an air traffic controller or a construction worker. The aim of the bright green jacket was of course to protect his blessed-by-Nepalese-monks-pure-merino clothing underneath. I guess it worked, but someone was less than impressed with its first outing: .
Ok, looking a bit too much like a Grandpa Paddy cycling jacket, but so far so good...
...and not enjoying it as much.
And here are a few random ones from crawling time - he's just discovered the gate between the lounge and the kitchen (we have an open pantry in there, so to minimise the risk of him ending up under a pile of tinned tomatoes and blending appliances, he's not allowed in the kichen. Like his Daddy.)
Note the puppy dog eyes on the bottom right. It didn't work (it was a close one though)
And I leave you with one of Osama Ben-Jamin. Discovered this week that despite him treating May like his mortal enemy, whenever George cries, Ben comes running and miaowing. It's quite sweet (but he's still a little brat).
A few random phone photos and a pre-breakfast window stare
A few completely random photos from my phone: .
I took this in near darkness - it's Ben and Poppy on the back of our couch. Surely this can't be comfortable for poor little squashed Pop?
I couldn't resist - this is from one of the toilets of the Cathay Pacific plane we flew on over the weekend. Is "choke" really the word they were looking for?
This is from this morning - it looks posed, but I promise it wasn't. I just wanted Rachel to hold still, and for some reason they both ended up looking out the window. It doesn't take much to get George's attention (birds, ships, pieces of toast and random dust particles are all rather exciting to him), but I'm not entirely sure what Rachel was looking at...