From the party on Saturday

Note that on the right hand photo of the party, George is nowhere to be seen.  He was quite happy playing in the gardens (behind me) by himself, smelling the flowers, and stomping on random chunks of dirt.  The only way I managed to get him to go over to the party was by showing him that people were blowing bubbles, or by promising him some birthday cake...



Rachel and Calvin's wedding

Wedding photography scares the bejeebus out of me.  I helped Philip out with a wedding once, but it's not really my thing to be honest.  That said, I've always been a little curious about shooting a wedding solo, and when Rachel (not my Rachel) asked if I'd take a few photos on their wedding day, I decided to have a crack at it (and was rewarded with some rather brilliant dessert wine and a dinner containing some of the best sweet and sour pork I have ever tasted). It was certainly a scary experience (shooting the wedding, not eating the sweet and sour pork).  If you miss a moment, that's it really. Gonnnnne.  But in the end I had a great time, and this was certainly helped by how chilled out Rachel and Calvin were about the whole thing. Their family and friends were extremely helpful and accommodating, and I have to admit that when asked by a few guests how long I'd been a wedding photographer for, I took much pleasure in saying "Since around 2:30 this afternoon."

The two big things I learned from the day (from a photographic point of view) were that I should probably learn to use flashes properly, and that the floodlights from a tennis court make for really, really, really crappy lighting.

Technical difficulties and my own shortcomings aside, I had a great time, and I hope Rachel and Calvin did too.  Special thanks not only to Rachel and Calvin - who were utterly fantastic to me all day - but also to Matt (an usher), who herded families and friends into position for formal photos, making my job a million times easier.


Sorry Calvin - this is the exact moment that Chopsy mentioned Mence Beauty...

Lunch in Kennedy Town

Had a very enjoyable trip to Kennedy Town for lunch with my ex-office-neighbour Philip today.  Philip and I worked next door to each other for over 5 years (through two office moves and three office locations) until Philip left the law to pursue a career in photography in April. Anyway, we had a(nother) great curry lunch - a rare treat for me, given that I work way out in the middle of nowhere.

It's great to see that Philip's business is coming along really well, although it's hardly a surprise - he has talent to burn. You can find his work on Facebook or at his business website (if you look at the photos from Alice and David's wedding, you should find me in there - and if you look reeeeally closely, you'll see Rachel).

.Philip at lunch - he doesn't always have this look on his face.  Just when the food is particularly delicious.

