Grey days, Birthdays

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It's a bit of a grey day outside, and since Bunky developed a cold a few days ago, it's a bit grey inside too.  He's pretty cheerful when he's up and about, but he's having a few problems sleeping - his own coughing tends to wake him up just as he's drifting off.  Last night was up and down, but despite quite a few yelps during the night, he was pretty cheery when we got him up at 7am.  At least he's timing his cold well - we've got Katy and Sam arriving this coming weekend, and Michael and Andres arriving in the middle of next week.

Anyway, here is Bunky's Happy Birthday dance for his paternal grandmother - Happy Birthday Grandma Shanti! In spite of his snotty nose, he managed to have a bit of a boogie to Handy Manny's musical tool truck this morning, just for you:


