Patrick and Barbara have now left for New Zealand (they'll be close to halfway by now), and so I have a bit of time to crank out a few photos from the past week with them. Firstly, one of Bunky from yesterday morning. You know, just looking cute and stuff. Note his two favourite toys by his side - a little yellow ball and a chewed up cardboard tube:
Moving right along - we took Rachel's employer's boat out for the day on Wednesday. We headed out to Clearwater Bay for a spot of lunch (on the boat) and a swim (which for Bunky also occurred on the boat thanks to an inflatable paddling pool):
That's windswept hair, not baby baldness...
Anyway, someone really enjoyed his own paddling pool. Note the furrowed brow:
Also note that he's inherited - from his mother - the ability to blink during the 1/200th of a second that the camera shutter is open:
And here's the little monkey being entertained by his Granny B. You may have noticed by now that someone seems to have developed a little tummy:
And then a few from the trip home:
For P&B's last night in Hong Kong, we went to a little outdoor Thai restaurant in Deepwater Bay that Rachel had been to a few times (once with Aunty Jane). It was pretty dark, but I clicked off a few photos anyway - one of Barbara, one of Patrick, and one of the table of ladies that was set up on the beach (we have to try that table next time). I had to take a stealthy photo of them, but I think I got sprung.