Typhoon morning

The HK Observatory called a Typhoon 8 last night, which meant that we got to come home early (to play with George), and since it's still in force, we go to work late.  It'll be lifted in another 40 minutes, but then everyone gets about two hours to get to work (it takes a while for buses and taxis to get going again).  Although I walk to work, I might take a sneaky extra half hour with George... Here are a few photos from this morning:



A few other photos from around and about. Firstly, the cats find safety in numbers. And Ben's fat tummy provides ample warmth for Poppy:


This one from the real estate agency next to the supermarket.  I think they're trying to say that the market is hot at the moment, but they probably should have avoided using an online translator:



And finally this one from our pool area. There was a gale force wind blowing when I took it, plus I was laughing at the time:


Saturday morning at the Stoep, Saturday evening at the bar

The Binnington Clan very kindly invited us along to join them for a day at Mui Wo - we had a bit of a play in the ocean and then had a great early lunch at the Stoep Restaurant (a South African barbeque place). Here are a few photos of the day - firstly, the locals call a spade a spade. And a sick bag a Vomit Bag: DSC_6077frame.

And a few of big Sam and little Eva:



...as well as one of Rachel and Bunky:


And tonight I went out to watch the rugby at a pub in Wan Chai, and took this on of my fellow rugby watchers (they had to go outside for their nicotine fix, thanks to the new anti-smoking laws):


A load of photos

Patrick and Barbara have now left for New Zealand (they'll be close to halfway by now), and so I have a bit of time to crank out a few photos from the past week with them. Firstly, one of Bunky from yesterday morning.  You know, just looking cute and stuff. Note his two favourite toys by his side - a little yellow ball and a chewed up cardboard tube:


Moving right along - we took Rachel's employer's boat out for the day on Wednesday. We headed out to Clearwater Bay for a spot of lunch (on the boat) and a swim (which for Bunky also occurred on the boat thanks to an inflatable paddling pool):


That's windswept hair, not baby baldness...

Anyway, someone really enjoyed his own paddling pool.  Note the furrowed brow:

DSC_5980 .

Also note that he's inherited - from his mother - the ability to blink during the 1/200th of a second that the camera shutter is open:


And here's the little monkey being entertained by his Granny B. You may have noticed by now that someone seems to have developed a little tummy:


And then a few from the trip home:




For P&B's last night in Hong Kong, we went to a little outdoor Thai restaurant in Deepwater Bay that Rachel had been to a few times (once with Aunty Jane).  It was pretty dark, but I clicked off a few photos anyway - one of Barbara, one of Patrick, and one of the table of ladies that was set up on the beach (we have to try that table next time).  I had to take a stealthy photo of them, but I think I got sprung.


