End of week 2 (well, almost)

Well, although George isn't quite two weeks old, we've managed to get him this far without any real damage (the little face scratches are self-inflicted - little dude needs fingernail trimming). He came down to Daddy's work again, and once again was practically comatose until the final stretch home, at which point he rather vocally reminded Rachel that it was his lunchtime.  There are some lunches you just can't have in an elevator, if you know what I mean. Ned is popping over tonight for a drink and hopefully he has time for a spot of dinner too (Grandma Barbara is cooking!).  Ned and his wife Thais used to live in Hong Kong, and although they now live in London, we've managed to catch them a few times since their departure - both in London and in Hong Kong.

Tomorrow we're heading to Kowloon for a spot of shopping for Barbara's belated 60th birthday present, and then we might have a few people coming to visit the little chap.

Naturally, a few shots of the little pooping and burping angel before I sign off.

