Well, we've managed to get through day 3 of George without making any ridiculous mistakes. He really is just the sweetest little fella. When he's not feeding or crying about being fed, he either sleeps like a little angel, or just opens his eyes and looks around the room (although he certainly sees nothing except for weird shapes and lights). He's pretty alert when he's awake, and when he's asleep he twitches and squawks - and occasionally wakes himself up. It's adorable. He's also developed a most excellent habit of crying, then either farting or burping... and then passing out into a blissful little slumber. Perhaps he's more like his Daddy than we had initially thought...
Tomorrow he comes home, and I'm really looking forward to it. I've had a word to the cats and they don't seem to appreciate that their world is about to turn upside down. In particular, Ben still thinks he rules the house. Poor creature has a bit of a shock coming to him tomorrow...
I'll leave you with this picture of the little guy, fast asleep. I took this a few hours ago as Rachel and I were tucking into a bit of dinner: