random sunday night facts

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1) Rachel doesn't have to go to work again until July

2) I have to go to work in the morning

3) Cracker (aka evilspawnofnarly) now weighs 6 pounds (just over 2 kilos)

4) Cracker (aka evilspawnofnarly) is due to grace us with his/her presence in 3 weeks

5) Although we don't actually know it, I firmly believe - as does 99% of the HK population that has seen Rachel - that Cracker is a boy

6) There is absolutely no scientific basis for 5)

7) The names are pretty much sorted.

That's all really - I'm about to go to bed, so I leave you with a photo of little Freddie Cary sleeping peacefully under the NZ wool blanket that Uncle Narly and Aunty Rachel sent him (thanks to Daddy Cary for sending us the photo!)