One of George's favourite books is the Little Yellow Digger. Needless to say, the word "Digger" features about a thousand times, and George absolutely loves it:
Yesterday, munchkin grabbed the book, then started crawlthrowing towards Rachel (he can't hold a book and crawl at the same time, so he crawlthrows - crawl a bit, throw the book a bit, crawl a bit more, throw the book a bit further...) The crawlthrow culminated in one last book fling and him proudly yelling "DIGGA!" to Rachel. So we can now add "Digger" to the list of words he sort of understands (the others being "cheese", "yay!", "cats" and "uh-oh"). I know it doesn't sound like much of an achievement, but knowing that he's associating words with actions and objects is pretty cool (given that he calls anything and everything "mummy" or "daddy"...)
Anyway, to celebrate the new (rather manly) word, his very proud daddy bought this for him at lunchtime yesterday:
It's not yellow, but it is little
Other than that, the only real news is that George's first haircut is tomorrow. I'll take photos, I promise.
Ending the working week with a few photos of his lordship in the bath last night: