Lord Bunky of Hong Kong had a lovely weekend (as always). He watched his first rugby game with the boys yesterday and then went to his mate Milo's 1st birthday party just across in the other block. Then he slept obliviously as his parents went and got amongst some fine dining at the Football Cricket Club for Kate's 50th birthday dinner (seriously - Tempura Artichoke? It kicked ass). The weather was a bit bleak today, so we headed down to the local toy shop (Wise Kids) which has an indoor playground - just perfect for crappy weather days. The little man had an absolute ball down there - it was really lovely to see. He was absolutely over the moon climbing through tunnels, hiding behind walls, and just generally being a little boy. There's no photography allowed down there, but I did manage to take a few stealth photos on my phone (under the pretense of sending text messages):
In the afternoon, G's godparents (the UK-based ones, Sam and Katy) came over with John and Kate to visit the little man before taking off back to the UK. After a 5 minute warming up period, he was quite happy to play with his visitors and he even kindly let them read stories to him. He's so generous.
Not much else really - although I should send a big Happy Birthday out to George's other godmother, Ang. Happy Birthday Ang! (From your favourite godchild...)
A few photos that I had sitting in the camera - a black and white one that beautifully shows off the little man's afro and the eyelashes, and another set that shows you what George's foot does during his "Oh look - a sheepskin rug... I must put my head down" minibreaks.