The one person eating machine had a fun day today - morning was the usual "how many lego blocks can I fit in my mouth" shenanigans and then we headed down the hill to play on the swings and slides in the yukky polluted Hong Kong air. Rachel had to head out at lunch, so it was boys' morning at the apartment. I had heard that George had been eating enough to feed a rugby team, but I hadn't seen him lunching for a week or so. Seriously, the boy can eat.
In the presence of his daddy, George ate two sausages, part of an avocado, some cheese, a load of yoghurt, some blueberries, some strawberries, some milk and a bit of pear. I was gobsmacked at the amount of food that disappeared down his waiting gob.
In the afternoon I ended up taking him downstairs where the children of the building tend to congregate. He's a bit young to really do anything apart from eat a toy and crawl around watching the big kids, but he had a great time cuddling up to his favourite golden retriever, Trostsky.
It's almost dinnertime here, so I'll leave you with a few photos of the Bunkmeister and his mummy down at the playground.
But... before I go - HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTY JACQ! (Each of those words is a separate hyperlink, by the way...)