A few more random weekend shots

Bunky had a pretty rough flight last night, and I'm too knackered to pretty-ify any of these photos from the weekend (I just dragged them off my memory card).  Normal service will resume soon.  Oh, and I took a crapload of photos on my phone too - I quite like going through photos on there.  The camera on the phone is a bit crap, but that does lead to some cool (inadvertent) effects. Anyway, here are some from the big camera:


Aunty Momo trying to distract George from important tasks on the grass with Paddy and Rachel


George with his Aunty Jane, who is definitely in his top two favourite aunties list


Granny B, Rachel and Jane enjoying some bubbly on our last night in Auckland


Just before George's mini-party on Sunday afternoon. L to R: Aunty Momo, Aunty Jane, Uncle Eugene, George and Granny B


He wanted the sunglasses but ended up with a kiss on the forehead.  He was unimpressed.


Explaining the nuances of squeaky hammers to Paddy


Defying gravity in the back yard with Aunty Jane

