George's first word


Screen shot 2009-12-04 at 8.09.09 AM.

Much to his mother's disappointment, George knocked out his first word this morning.  Never mind that he didn't know what it meant (heck - I do that all of the time), he repeated it back to me, and when I made a different noise, then said "dada" again, he repeated the other noise back to me, and then followed it up with "dada" (much to Rachel's disgust).

The conversation went a bit like this:

Daddy: "Dada?"

Bunky: "Dada."

Daddy: "Hssssssch!"

Bunky: "Hssssssch!"

Daddy: "Dada?"

Bunky: "Dada."

Daddy: "Hahaaaa! First word! Dada!"

Rachel: (Picking up Bunky and walking away) "Rubbish.  George, say Mama?"

Bunky: "Dada!"


Today is a good day...


photo-1Photo taken on Rachel's phone (Wednesday)



Random Singapore photo

This one was a bit unexpected - Robin, Paddy and I went to pick up the pizzas on Saturday night, and since they don't have a car - and delivery would have taken 90 minutes - we ended up walking to the pizza place. I took my camera along and ended up getting this shot of traffic on Scotts Road.  I completely forgot about it until just now, and while Rachel watched "Private Practice", I tweaked it a little (bumping the contrast up a little) and gave it a black border on the top and bottom sides (for some reason I think street scenes look better with the borders - it's a personal thing).  Finally, the black part on the top right was just begging for a caption.  So here you are: .



Wedding photos

I had a very quick edit of a few photos that I took at the wedding on Saturday.  I don't really want to upload any more [edited for pedantic Aunty Jane***] until I get the ok from the person I was helping out, but here are a few early photos that I had a quick go at editing.  Nowhere near the final product, but I wanted to upload a few after having a look through them tonight. The bottom one especially needs work, methimks. I could never be a wedding photographer. Waaaaay too much stress...




Too much coffee

spacespacespace Had far too much coffee this afternoon - a hazard of knowing the owner of my favourite Hong Kong coffee shop.  Still, a great afternoon catching up with Sanjay and I met Jacqui and Zadie for the first time (cousin of Craig, who is an old friend of the Singapore Challis clan).  Spent much of the afternoon wandering around Central and looking at camera lenses, and just checking out the shops (a bit of a treat given that I work just around the corner from our apartment!)

No George photos until Wednesday when he and his mummy touch down in Hong Kong.  So here's a coffee machine instead:


Photos from Mona and Eugene's wedding

There were waaaay too many photos to post in the usual manner, so you get a little Flash photo album for this one.  Sorry that the main pic is so small - I'll try and fix that tonight (EDIT - Should be a lot bigger now).  Just hover your mouse over the main photo and self-navigate around it.  If you have problems, hit me up in the Contact section and I'll see what I can do. [svgallery name="mona"]

A better day

spacespacespace Well to be honest, beating yesterday wouldn't have been too difficult.  Today George got a new sleeping technique sampled on him - no more gentle cuddling and rocking for him.  Military school stuff now - in the bassinet, on his side, rocked and patted until he passes out. No more cuddles and lovey dovey crap.  I must say, I was a bit hesitant when I saw Rachel wobbling him like she was making a smoothie, but... he was out cold in well under half the time it usually takes to conk him out.  Not too shabby.

Also - little man did tummy time today, and mummy assures me that he pushed himself up quite happily. He's so clever.

Right - Georgemonster had a great morning on his playmat. And surprise, surprise - I had the camera handy.






