Another one from the bath (it's a minor miracle that I got a photo of bathtime where he's not standing up or thrashing the water into foam): .


I had to share this one too - another one from Sarah, taken in Sri Lanka in April.  Ordinarily I hate being in photos, but this is definitely my best side (also, can you see my little canine assistant?)


That photos was of course taken while I was taking this photo:



A tender moment between a mother and her son... .

. quite likely to be ruined if the son pees on his mother:


Hairy Maclary on the big(gish) screen.  That blue cup behind Rachel's coffee contains a little bit of leftover frothed milk - George calls it his "Wuffy" (that's George for "fluffy").


George and his best mate Milo on the left; Brendan and Ruby on the right


George and Rachel with George's newest plaything - a sand and water playtable.  The little tyrant has exhibited a mortal fear of sand and beaches, and we thought that this little contraption might go some what towards helping him get over his peculiar little phobia (he loved it).

