Daddy visit

The little man came down to the grassy area outside my work, so Philip and I popped downstairs for a coffee and to hang with the G monster for a few minutes.  These photos are a bit of a combo effort - Philip (who usually takes photos of weddings) took them on my camera, and I did the computer tweaking at home after work: .



Weekend photos

A bit of weekend randomness (although admittedly there are a few photos from today in here as well): .

Left:  George and Rachel with pals Rory and Alexander  |  Top right: Concerned about something...  |  Bottom right:  Sticks are awesome toys



Top left: In the bath tonight | Bottom left: Storytime with Rachel yesterday | Right: Avoiding Mummy's kiss in the elevator



Bathtime busy boy

It's been a while since  the George's last bathtime photos - although now that he can stand up in the bath, I had to be a bit more discerning about which photos I uploaded.  Parts of him that used to be pretty well hidden are now... slightly less well hidden when he's standing up and moving about (I think you know what I mean).  Nevertheless, here are a few shots of his lordship... .

Yup - this is what unwound curls look like




A slightly disapproving parting look for Daddy



I cannot think of a title for this entry

. A collection of iPhone photos from Sunday - we wandered down to the grassy area at Cyberport and let Bunky tear around and eat grass (the usual routine).  Ok, so maybe not a lot of grass eaten this time - the focus was on teaching him to go down the little concrete steps backwards.  He's still not crash hot at it, but he's getting there:




And one for the "Only in Hong Kong" file.  This "cordoned off" area was just outside the supermarket. I did look up at the ceiling to see if there was a leak or something, but nope - nothing out of the ordinary up there.  The mind boggles at the thought process of whoever set up this cordon:




More visitors, more photos

Michael and Andres came to visit us for a few days - they arrived on Wednesday (kicking Katy and Sam out in the process) and left about half an hour ago.  We had a great time catching up with them, and they seemed to enjoy their time in Hong Kong (I assume they weren't lying about it...) We took them to one of our favourite places, Bistro Manchu in Elgin St, Soho - great food as always:


Michael and Rachel




Crikey the food at this place is good



We were going to go for a bit of a wander around the streets, but Rachel suggested that we all head up the Peak Tram to try and get a look at the city.  Although the tram ride was awesome (it's the world's steepest incline for a cable car), the city was shrouded in a thick fog - and we saw pretty much nothing...


Walking through the deserted wet market on the way to the tram.  That's Andres in the foreground, with Rachel and Michael just ahead of him.


Andres' reflection in the window of the tram on the way up


The fog at the Peak was ridiculous - Michael, Rachel and Andres were about 5 metres from me when I took this photo



Not a lot else really - George coped admirably with the second wave of visitors and happily destroyed any Lego towers that Michael or Andres dared to build.


Naturally, I'll leave you with a few photos of his majesty:


Storytime with Rachel.  Note the super casual crossed legs.


He still hasn't worked out how to get into the kitchen, thank goodness.

