Cabinets, Visitors, Blurry photos

The poor little fellow is still a bit sick at the moment, but when he's awake he's still pretty much his happy old self (well, a snottier, raspier version of himself).  He's started to crawl with purpose now, and has discovered that by plonking himself on his knees, there is a whole new world of stuff to play with.  This particular cabinet is full of our good wine glasses, and has now been secured with a rather ugly set of plastic cable ties: .



On Saturday, Jacq and Tristan came through for a day's stopover en route to London - George had a lovely day with his new friends. Here's one of Jacq reading George one of his favourite Hairy MacLary books:




Here's one that was sitting on the memory card - Granny B and George playing on the grass.  Granny B was plucking little flowers and blowing them through the air at George (look just in front of his nose):




And finally this one - we had a game of Chase around the lounge yesterday. When he's at full speed, it's pretty much impossible to focus the camera on him.  So here's his slightly blurry manic face:




A few leftover phone photos

The first was taken yesterday when Bunky came to visit me at work, and the rest are randoms from New Zealand: .

Playing on the grass outside my work


A random church that we walked past (in Havelock North)


In the plane from Napier to Auckland (that's George's hair on the left...)


Aunty Momo and Rachel talking in the kitchen while G busies himself with Lego


Reading time with Paddy



Cellphone photos

This year I'm trying to take more photos on my phone - the image quality is pretty crappy, but there are plenty of programs available that allow me to do a bit of creative editing on the camera (I have to confess that I have a soft spot for the fake polaroid, having owned a real one once upon a time).  Anyway, it's forcing me to think a bit more about getting a photo right first time, rather than trying to salvage something on the computer afterwards. I just pulled a bunch of photos off the phone from our New Zealand trip, so here you go:


Paddy and George enjoying story time


Playing a George-created game (play with the speaker base, sit up, get tickled, then start again) with Granny B


Pulling himself up to standing, cheered on by Aunty Jane


Paddy pouring bubbly for the Keane ladies


Swing time at the park


Sneaking out from under a chair



And finally, one for his London-based godparents:


How's the weather out there this week?



A few more random weekend shots

Bunky had a pretty rough flight last night, and I'm too knackered to pretty-ify any of these photos from the weekend (I just dragged them off my memory card).  Normal service will resume soon.  Oh, and I took a crapload of photos on my phone too - I quite like going through photos on there.  The camera on the phone is a bit crap, but that does lead to some cool (inadvertent) effects. Anyway, here are some from the big camera:


Aunty Momo trying to distract George from important tasks on the grass with Paddy and Rachel


George with his Aunty Jane, who is definitely in his top two favourite aunties list


Granny B, Rachel and Jane enjoying some bubbly on our last night in Auckland


Just before George's mini-party on Sunday afternoon. L to R: Aunty Momo, Aunty Jane, Uncle Eugene, George and Granny B


He wanted the sunglasses but ended up with a kiss on the forehead.  He was unimpressed.


Explaining the nuances of squeaky hammers to Paddy


Defying gravity in the back yard with Aunty Jane



Early birthday drinks

Although Bunky doesn't turn one for another nine days, we decided to have a few early birthday drinks (and cake) for him today in Auckland.  The little piglet managed to scoff cake, part of a sausage roll, some rice cracker, more cake (with cream) and he washed that all down with some delicious leaves from the back yard. Here are a few from the day - once again without the benefit of any Photoshop magic...





A few more photos from New Zealand

As much as I miss using Photoshop, I couldn't resist uploading a few photos from our last few weeks of touring.  We hit both Wellington and Hawkes Bay (both very briefly) and we're now back in Auckland, dreading our return to Hong Kong on Monday night. Eeeek. iPhoto has seemed to have done a pretty decent job of tweaking the RAW images and exporting them to jpeg - I may have another go when back in Hong Kong, but for the time being... here you go:


Taken from the Koru Lounge at Auckland Airport, waiting for our Wellington flight


A (fairly rotten quality) photo of George being stalked by his grandmother


A dog named "Dog"


George in a pool with (one of) his Godfather(s) and Lucy


Enjoying a swing push from his mate Ella


Uncle Godfather Ross


Dinnertime with Lucy


Jump time with Ella


Watching an outdoor movie at the Blackbarn Vineyard Amphitheatre


Lucy braving the sprinkler


Ella taking on the sprinkler




A few random photos from NZ

Just a quick post - the computer is in the same room as Bunky's cot, so I'm just uploading a few photos before his majesty takes over the room for his morning snooze... These are of little G enjoying some time in the swimming pool given to him by Aunty Jane and Uncle Eliot, and a few from yesterday when Aunty Momo spent the afternoon with him:


