We had a lovely afternoon in Stanley with Gavin and Diane Bornholdt - parents of Carl, who used to flat with Katy and Rachel back in Wellington. It was a scorcher of a day, so we busted out the Blue Machine of Awesomeness (our car) and headed over to Stanley for a spot of lunch and shopping. It was absolutely lovely catching up with Gavin and Diane on their first stopover - the start of a trip that sees them heading to Europe tomorrow and then on to Chicago in a few weeks (where Carl and Lindsey live). Unsurprisingly I took a few photos throughout the afternoon. George was quite enjoying having some new faces around:
Baby Group Lunch
We had a lovely lunch with Rachel's baby group friends - this time with associated husbands. We had a great lunch out in Wan Chai at the Quarterdeck, and despite there being 6 children under 12 months old, there were no major meltdowns (George was close, with a little tearfest right at the start - but he chilled out and all was good after that). I took a few photos of the afternoon, including a group one:
... and one of everybody:
A morning at the beach
We had a lovely morning - we met the Binnington Clan at South Bay Beach for a spot of brunch and paddling in the water. It's rather warm out there, and Bunky got nice and sweaty - and I believe he manage to sneak it a few rolls in the sand. A great morning had by all, and I managed to get a few photos of our fun in the sun. Firstly, one of Bunky looking all pensive during breakfast:
Mark giving Sam some airtime in the water:
Emma at brunch:
And Eva with her daddy:
Big Chief Sittingupbyhimself
Note the very alert mummy right behind him. If you're wondering whether she was ready to catch him, bear in mind that when he was 3 weeks old, that same mummy decided that he wasn't allowed to play rugby when he was older (in fact he's lucky he's not wearing a helmet in these photos...)
And a few from the other day - Alice and Harry's gorgeous little boy, Michael:
A few more from last week
Another from Sunday that I really liked:
And one more from Wednesday:
Photographing little people really is a lot of fun. They certainly aren't as fussy as adults in terms of what they look like in photos...
Sai Kung
If our trip to Sai Kung is anything to go by, Hong Kong road planners throw cooked spaghetti on a piece of paper, and then ask the road construction companies to "do the roads like that." Honestly - it was like driving through a spaghetti-themed maze complete with toll tunnels and psychotic taxi and minibus drivers. Thankfully we had been given awesome directions and got to lunch without a hitch. Anyway, we had a lovely barbeque with friends Susannah and Sam (along with toddler Max and baby Matilda), and also saw the Hoffpeople there. Although the weather went a bit poopy on us as soon as lunch was served, we still managed to eat outside and have a great time. I took a few photos of various little people running around in the rain playing by the paddling pool:
We managed to get back from Sai Kung without getting lost, and after we got home, Bunky had a little swim and a teeny tiny photo session:
In other matters, Bunky's late feed is slowly being moved forward. It's usually 10:30pm, but for the last week or so Rachel has been bringing it forward. Tonight it comes to 9:40pm, and the aim is of course to eventually eliminate it altogether. So far he hasn't woken up any earlier in the morning, but time will tell whether he can eventually hit the 12 hour holy grail sleep.
Righto - off to watch a spot of tv and then hit the pillow.
Bunky got a new seat!
And it's red, like a fire engine...
Also met up with the Hoffmen this afternoon and took a few photos of their gorgeous little ones Evie and Bea. I haven't edited many yet, but here's one of Evie:
Making new friends, taking a dip
Uncle Ash and Aunty Zoe just left us, and although George was sad to see them go, he was very pleased to make some new friends. He'll see them again in August when they come back, which is cool. A chilled out few days for the little man - he had plenty of time getting to know his new friends, and then this afternoon they accompanied him and his mummy down to the pool for a leisurely splash. To top off their whirlwind trip, Zoe gave Rachel a hand with George's bathtime, taking over the hairwashing duties from his daddy.
There are quite a few photos, so I've uploaded them as a little slideshow thingy. Check out George's hip new BabyBanz sunglasses...
[svgallery name="ashzoe"]
An afternoon in Discovery Bay
Had a lovely afternoon with Sue, Steve, Hermione and Phoebe in Discovery Bay today. Lovely food, a few glasses of wine in the sun, and easy conversation - a perfect way to spend Sunday afternoon. While he was sleeping, George assumed a position that I couldn't resist photographing:
If that looks familiar...
Also from this afternoon, Steve with Sue - and an intruder on the left (Hermione):
A strategically placed shampoo bottle for the preservation of modesty
George graduated to the big person's bath yesterday - of late, George's bathtimes have usually ended up with more water on the floor than anywhere else. So we popped his little bath seat in the bath and filled the bath to a height of about 6 or 7 cm. George was pretty laid back about the new bath approach, and seemed to enjoy having water tipped on him with a little cup - it also made things a bit easier for his mummy, as she didn't need to juggle his torso while cleaning his babyvomit-filled crevices. We took a few photos of the little monster enjoying his business class bath, and you'll note that his mummy preserved his modesty using a cleverly placed shampoo bottle. Which George naturally wanted to play with.
We also had Team Binnington over for a few hours for brunch and a quick swim yesterday and I snapped off a few photos of Sam and Mark:
Note that clicking no longer leads to a big version - I installed a standard bug-fix "upgrade" to the software that runs this website, and the newest version of the website software won't let the lovely big picture viewing plugin work. Oh the irony.
Finally, Rachel has insisted that I mention that on George's playdate on Friday, a half-Brazilian girl literally tried to get her leg over George (from his mummy's potentially embellished recollection of events, it sounds like she actually tried to roll on top of him). He's such a stud...